To measure any time interval we need a clock. We now use an atomic standard of time, which is based on the periodic vibrations produced in a cesium atom. This is the basis of the caesium clock, sometimes called atomic clock, used in the national standards. Such standards are available in many laboratories. In the caesium atomic clock, the second is taken as the time needed for 9,192,631,770 vibrations of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of caesium-133 atom. The vibrations of the caesium atom regulate the rate of this caesium atomic clock just as the vibrations of a balance wheel regulate an ordinary wristwatch or the vibrations of a small quartz crystal regulate a quartz wristwatch.
The caesium atomic clocks are very accurate. In principle they provide portable standard. The national standard of time interval ‘second’ as well as the frequency is maintained through four cesium atomic clocks. A caesium atomic clock is used at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi to maintain the Indian standard of time.
In our country, the NPL has the responsibility of maintenance and improvement of physical standards, including that of time, frequency, etc. Note that the Indian Standard Time (IST) is linked to this set of atomic clocks. The efficient caesium atomic clocks are so accurate that they impart the uncertainty in time realisation as ± 1 × $10^{–15}$, i.e. 1 part in $10^{15}$. This implies that the uncertainty gained over time by such a device is less than 1 part in $10^{15}$; they lose or gain no more than 32 µs in one year. In view of the tremendous accuracy in time measurement, the SI unit of length has been expressed in terms the path length light travels in certain interval of time (1/299, 792, 458 of a second) (Table 2.1).
The time interval of events that we come across in the universe vary over a very wide range. Table 2.5 gives the range and order of some typical time intervals.
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